Trauma shapes one’s emotions and physical well-being. When an individual endures a traumatic event whether it is loss, violence, or stress; the brain can become ‘stuck’. Trauma can lead to anxiety, depression, and physical ailments. Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can help manage and overcome trauma.
Hypnotherapy opens the door to a world of healing
The journey to recovery begins with understanding that trauma imprints on the mind; shaping behaviours, thoughts and well-being. Hypnotherapy works by putting the body and mind into a relaxed state where an individual connects with memories in a safe and manageable space.

Certified hypnotherapists use imagery and positive reinforcement to address the effects of trauma; helping individuals to release buried emotions without reliving them intensely.
For anyone considering hypnotherapy; finding the right practitioner is crucial. Look for individuals registered with the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH). Harley Therapy and the Hypnotherapy Directory connect individuals with qualified professionals across the UK.